Do you find yourself losing time? The day in and day out situations have you going in circles only to discover that you were never able to accomplish what you truly set out to do. The spiritual foundation of reverence for God is needed before you can build any foundation in the natural that will stand throughout the test of time. The prophet Haggai in the Bible challenged the Jews to reflect on their current situation that came as a result of neglecting their relationship with the Lord. Spiritual renewal is necessary when building or rebuilding anything the Lord has called us to do. God is calling us to build and rebuild in this season. His blueprint for the structure can only be given and laid upon a heart that is pliable to His instructions. It’s time to set your heart before God and tend to what He has given you.

In Haggai chapter 1, God gave the prophet Haggai instruction to call His people to rebuild the temple and to reflect on recent events that were the consequences of not listening to God. 

Haggai 1: 2-6 (ISV): “This is what the Lord of the Heavenly Armies says: ‘These people keep saying, “No, the right  time for rebuilding the Lord’s Temple has not yet come.”

3 Then this message from the Lord came by Haggai the prophet: 4 “Is it the right  time for all of you to live in your own paneled houses while this house remains in ruins?” 5 “Now this is what the Lord of the Heavenly Armies, says: ‘Carefully consider your ways:

6 You have sowed much but have reaped little. You have eaten but don’t have enough to become satisfied.You have drunk but don’t have enough to become intoxicated.You have clothed yourself but don’t have enough to keep warm. And the hired laborer deposits his salary in a bag full of holes!’”

Is your life like a bag full of holes? Time is not only precious but necessary in order to build. God wants us to be good stewards of our time, but in order to lay the plans out needed to go forth, we must take time with the Lord to do it according to His Kingdom plans. Remember, anybody can build, but the specific blueprints for what God is calling you to do can only come from Him.  

As you take time with the Lord and allow Him to reveal His plans and strategies, the valuable time you seem to have lost will be found in exponential ways. The building process will be on His solid foundation that can’t be shaken. It’s a lasting foundation that will flourish throughout the generations as we continue to lay hold of His instruction. 

Ask yourself, “What have I done with my  time today? Don’t allow the consequences of neglecting time and instruction to keep you from having what God promised. Repent, pray in the Spirit (tongues), and let Him reveal to you the strategic blueprints from heaven. It’s time to come out from among your dwellings! Work is to be done. God promises to be with you. Trust and rely on Him.

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