God says, “It’s time to dream again!”. He has not forgotten you, nor has He laid aside what you’ve shared with Him that’s deep in your heart. You were made to be different…to outshine the brightest star in the galaxy! In a world where a majority of society is gleaning off other people’s success and taking credit for something they never did, it’s time to dream again with God.
God reminded me of dreaming again as I was writing an end of the year letter to one of my 5th grade students. It is very important that we understand the purpose of our platforms, and in the educational system, teachers can easily lose focus as to why they do what they do. Not only students, but humans need to know that they have a purpose here on earth. Their life is not conformed into a societal classroom box, but that space should be a catalyst for them to go above and beyond. The end of the year letter was a reminder to my student to keep being authentically creative and to never limit her dreams.
I’ve seen so many people with multiple platforms that have no purpose because in purpose, that very platform should be thriving. If I purchased multiple living plants to add to the decor in my house, but the plants are dying, do you really know how to tend to that actual plant? You can blame the death of that plant on the environment such as temperature, lighting, and soil. But the real question is what do you do when God gives you multiple platforms and they are “dying”? Is it like those plants where you never really read the instructions nor understood what that particular plant needed for that environment? Some people think they are not good with plants, but the truth is, they are not aware of what the plants need to thrive. There are certain plants that will not thrive where I currently reside because of the lighting. If I purchase a beautiful, colorful plant and expect it to add to the decor in my place, it will eventually wither because no matter where I place it, it will not get sufficient light. I could get mad and decide that I’m just not good with plants, or I can get understanding about my environment.
When viewing your platform such as your ministry, career, position, or influence, you must take heed to your environment because environments change with seasons. It’s wisdom to make sure that you release and put in place what is relevant in the right season. Waiting to see what others are doing or saying, is not going to bring nourishment and vitality to what you are supposed to do by God. Just imagine if a farmer waited to see what other farmers were doing before he or she planted their crops. It would be a disaster not only for the farmer, but for the people who were to benefit from the fruit of the crops.
Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.”27 So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.28 Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”(NLT)
God is the ultimate Creator! There’s no question when reading the above scripture that we were made to be unique. We have the image of God inside of us, but so many in society still look to worldly people for their authenticity. Truly connecting with other creatives should spark creativity inside of you. There shouldn’t be competition. If you are true to yourself, seeing others thrive around you should not intimidate you. Instead, we get a lot of wounded, fearful, insecure, and rejected people who either try to recreate what somebody else did or connect with them just to eat the fruit that’s in the other person’s wake. We are not to worship other idols, and if your only purpose is to make your platform look good, the item you used will not thrive because it lacks a root system of true authenticity.
You have everything that you need when you dream with God. Just look at how He fashioned you together, perfect, and unique like none other. Dreaming with God literally unlocks the dormancy of the gifts inside of you, but also remember, just like the seasons, there is a timing attached to it. Don’t allow others to trip you up or make you second guess who you are in God. Just because people see you from the outside and may have grown up with you from childhood, they do not know you like God knows you. Get with the Knower of all creation. He has so much to say to you! Let Him fill you with His unique hope, love, and passion. You were born for this! Let God’s image shine through you.There’s always room for light to shine!