As a lover of plants, you learn to not just pay attention or tend to the leaves when something is wrong, but you must investigate …
Sing, Oh Barren One! You’re About to Give Birth!
That which was desolate in your life is about to be restored like a barren woman that will give birth to many children. God has …
God Wants to Get Your Gophers!
I was speaking with a friend most recently about her work situation and the unstableness of things around her. In our conversation, I began to …
Get Ready! True Conversion is Breaking Forth!
Don’t get comfortable with sitting in the seat of familiarity. Break out of the box of complacency. Many are called to stand for change but …
Strategic Strategy
We must heed to God’s strategic strategy in our lives. It’s much better than we can imagine. In Nehemiah 1:4, Nehemiah was concerned for trouble …
Stay in Position
I had a dream last night where I kept seeing church folks leaving others uncovered because they were out of position. I saw enemy attacks …