There was a show I came across where the story line had a pregnant woman helping another woman get her life back on track, but all along, the person that was being helped secretly wanted the pregnant lady’s baby so bad, that she was plotting to take the baby…and she did. The woman that was being helped waited until the pregnant lady was close to her delivery date and literally cut the baby from the pregnant lady’s womb without her permission. 

Pretty gruesome right? This is what happens spiritually day in and day out to many believers that offer their time and attention to people that are only around them to take the vision God gave them to birth. 

In this season, there is an abundance of vision coming forth, and some of that vision in the world has been sought after…stolen and snatched out from others. Be wise and protect the vision (the babies) God has for you. 

Habakkuk 2 NLT:

1 I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost.There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how He will answer my complaint. 2 Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. 3 This vision is for a future time.It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place.It will not be delayed.

4 “Look at the proud! They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked. But the righteous will live by their faithfulness to God.

Verse 1 speaks of how Habakkuk went to the watchtower and stood at his guardpost waiting to hear what the Lord said concerning his complaint. 

Where are you positioned and who are you speaking with concerning your vision? Are you waiting on others to fulfill what you are carrying? If so, they may just take it from you just like the woman that was being helped did to the pregnant lady. The woman used a paralyzing agent to numb the pregnant lady which rendered her helpless in the ordeal. 

Religion often leaves a person void of the true life flow of God. It’s composed of man-made works and acts but, in itself, lacks true authenticity that births forth a viable vision (healthy baby). It seeks to take what is authentic and make it its own. 

Verses 2-4 of Habakkuk Chapter 2 remind us of how important it is to stay patient in what God says to us concerning His vision. So many spend time trying to cast the vision “birth a baby” before its time in the wrong place or with wrong people. For instance, while the vision is being carried, we complain about the pain we are going through, the positioning our bodies must take in order to adjust to the shifting of the vision (the baby or babies), we give details of the name, birthing place, the time of delivery, and the details beyond its gender to people that only want what we are carrying. The enemy’s plan is to steal, kill,  and destroy your vision, leaving you lifeless in the process. God’s purpose is to give you a satisfying life (John 10:10). Allow God to transition you to the right place with the right people. 

“Baby Snatchers” can be in the church, on your job, in your family presently or set up within your bloodline, at your school, a particular mentor, leader, or friend.  Be discerning in this season because many people who are friendly, have lots of followers, and are very prominent in society are not producing after God. Many have stolen vision and some have become experts in the “baby snatching” business. 

Get into the secret place with God and let Him give you wisdom. Let Him deal with those places in your heart and heal your soul of the issues that may cause you to continue a cycle in your life that kills the vision inside of you or makes you so numb that the enemy steals it from you. In the season of harvest, the enemy will try and look like what he has is of God because of the abundance. However, the “crop” produced is from that of stolen “land”! Be discerning! 

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