As I reflect on God’s love today, I am overwhelmed by how much He loves me. For so much of my life, I’ve experienced overwhelming trauma and hurt that shut down my creativity. One area that has come forth again is painting. The repetitive hurt from my past held my gift of painting hostage in a prison. That which was a freedom for me became my torment. The negativity that I had taken on from so many reflected in what I saw come out of me in painting. My painting, my reflection, had become my pain. For I couldn’t show the world who I was because it would hurt too much. So much so  that I’d wished I could disappear. 

God’s reflection of love is more valuable than any other love in the world! His love brings healing, peace, joy, unity, remembrance, creativity, passion, discipline, and on, and on…to the utmost! You can not out do God’s love for you! No matter what you’ve done in life, He loves you. Oh, how He loves you!

On this day, don’t forget to LOVE YOURSELF. God loves you unapologetically, unbridled, exactly as you are! His limitless creativity is deep inside of you running ferociously throughout your bones bursting forth inside every corpuscle. HIS LOVE IS HEALING! For you are MAGNIFICENT and WONDERFULLY MADE! Know this. Remember that the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords LOVES YOU EXACTLY AS YOU ARE!

May you express the creativity of His Love today! May the beauty that is in you burst forth! 

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