I’d Forgotten…What Have You Forgotten?

I had forgotten how to just think and welcome the necessary random thoughts that bring your mind into balance.

I’d forgotten the sound leaves make when the trees are blown by the wind and every rustle is like a unique conversation much like giggles and chuckles.

I’d forgotten how much I enjoy learning about the area in which I live for it offers valuable mind nuggets that spark my intellectual joy. The joy of my mind must be released like a steady stream bringing refreshment to the ocean of my entire body.

I’d forgotten how to take in nature by paying attention to its random, perfectly placed, and out of order magnificent beauty. Observing it numerous times fills my eye gates with a creative appetite and has me craving the unlimited beauty that offers a uniqueness upon each glance.

I’d forgotten the beauty of strong friendship and how a needed response hits you like cold water on a hot summer day untangling the cords of my mind made jumbled by past poor friendships. 

I’d forgotten how nature has always been my friend that I could tell many secrets to and she always responded with unyielding, unmitigated truth accepting fully of who I am.

I’d forgotten how much a hug from a caring person soothes the body until my mind recollects how important human touch is needed to feel alive. 

I’d forgotten how painful it is not welcoming the sun to enlighten the pages of a good book while stretched out on a blanket in my favorite grassy spot.

I’d forgotten how lovely it is to hear the joyful sounds of multiple conversations happening in a room full of friends that gather.

I’d forgotten the address of my creativity when forced into the abyss of teaching within a dysfunctional environment. When my mind went to hide my creative self, I’d lost the address because there were so many places. “Come back!”, I would say. “Creativity is over here!”, I would say. “No, wait…she took off hiding again like a giggling toddler playing hide and seek except that time, the danger was real. Where is she?”

I’d forgotten how important it is to take time for yourself…enjoy life…I was worn out like a dishrag at a busy restaurant that doesn’t have time to wash the sour smell from cleaning up after everybody else’s mess. You are discarded and used again. “I’m tired!” I would say then Covid isolation came and knocked the words right out of my mouth. Nothing is the same, but in some ways good revealing the hidden scenery of the cluttered mind of life that had at one time flew by so fast like a city-dweller commuting to work on crowded noisy freeways. Everything was going so very fast and came to a screeching halt causing the freeway of my mind to create multiple traffic jams. Over and over again.

I’d forgotten to just be…letting the beautiful healing words from deep within my heart slide forth like water flying from the ends of my shaken wet head after diving in the depths of the ocean of life. 

There is a depth God wants to take you into this season so that you remember who you are in Him. Let Him remind you of the wonderfulness of life. I remember because of Him. I remember because He remembers me fully. Let God remind you of your beauty. 

Allow what’s deep, deep, deep, to come to the surface and be exposed. May tremendous healing and strength take place for you in this season. No more holding back. Release and be free! 

What have you forgotten?

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