What is it that breaks the bond between us and what the Lord has? Lord, I choose to stand today in awe of your goodness and the love you have for others. My hands are open to how You choose to use them. May my words be acceptable to You and may they be full of grace so that others, including me, get the revelation needed to build Your Kingdom. Let not my words falter but instead bring life to the lost. I’ve discovered that today I hate gossip and criticism with a passion!

Gossip and criticism breaks relationship. It allows others to be seen in a false setting. Gossiping about another creates a false picture of that person’s true identity in Christ. So what if they are going through! Who am I to judge! Gossip bring division and saddens the heart. It erects a prison in the hearts of so many in the workplace and within families. What if one word or smile was the key to bring the light that would expose the prison bars set up. What if that very light reflects on you exposing the areas where your words were used to erect the prison bars that confines another. Would you choose to be trapped inside those same prison bars in your own life?

There are children behind those “prison bars” that hold back the hope of a prosperous future. Could we have been participates? Lord, let your light of freedom shine brightly! May we lay down our weapon of judgement. Truth is the key, love turns the key, and faith breaks us free!

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