Come Out of the Familiarity of Dead Things

It’s impossible to be around dead things and not begin to smell like it. If connections bear no fruit, it’s not going to magically appear unless you dig up the root system. I pray that you truly look at the connections around you and the impact they have on your life. May God open your eyes to the deception and may you see the truth and not be quiet about it. There’s so much deception and control in the church. Beware of places that constantly say but never do. 

God is so very serious about His body right now. There are too many complacent and stagnant churches that are feeding on the fruit of other believers creating zombie-like Christians. 

Imagine if you stopped emptying the trash in your house. You just throw it down wherever you stand, push it to the side, or hide it perhaps in another room or behind a piece of furniture.  The following example is what it looks like when leadership refuses to deal with the hidden deception in their own heart or confront the mess that is in the lives of the people they oversee. Eventually, those that connect into such a group will take on a particular stench, their God-given gifts and talents will become stagnant, finances will dwindle, and everyday life will begin to diminish. Trying to ignore it will not take away the fact that it’s still there. It will slowly creep into your family’s life, your creativity, and seek to kill your vision. You must earnestly pray and seek the Lord because it’s difficult to see the problem when you’re steeped in it. 

Many years ago, I asked God to show me how He viewed a particular friendship I had. I wanted to be friends with this person because they were really outgoing, cool, and took the time out to go on adventures and explore the city. However, there was something in me that couldn’t fully settle. My behaviors began to change around this person, and it was noticeable by other close friends. God answered my prayer in a dream one night. In the dream, I was smiling with joy on my face while walking through a park with beautiful, colorful flowers, holding hands with my friend, and swinging my arm back and forth. When I looked down at our interlocking fingers, I was holding a hand that was slightly pale and grayish with black fingernails. In total shock, I let go of the hand to see that my friend was Marilyn Manson in full-fledged make-up and sadistic expressions. All that time, I was walking through the park smiling, chatting, and staying close to my friend. But in reality, this person did not support who I was at the time, mocked my views, and displayed terrible character. God revealed how I knew all along of my friend’s terrible ways, but out of my own weakness and insecurity, I ignored it because I was so desperate for a relationship even if it was toxic.Things rapidly changed after I disassociated from this person. So many people are ignoring what’s right in front of them. They are walking hand-in-hand with darkness and wondering why things are bleak. 

Only God can show you the truth. I could have gone on ignoring the fact that the friend I was with had some really bad characteristics, and eventually, it would have gotten worse. God had to get my attention in order to save my life. Although the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, connection with God brings life more abundantly (John 10:10). Ask God to show you His truth.

May God expose every liar, hidden secret, agenda, and any falsehood that is in your midst. I pray that you have a supernatural craving for the truth and break free from dead connections. May you flourish expediently in the plans and purposes God has for you. Awake and move! There’s work to do! 

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