Get Ready! True Conversion is Breaking Forth!

Don’t get comfortable with sitting in the seat of familiarity. Break out of the box of complacency. Many are called to stand for change but are sitting in an uncalled convenient place. Get ready! True conversion is breaking forth.

Acts 9:3-20, Saul was traveling to Damascus on a mission to arrest followers of Jesus when suddenly a bright light from heaven caused him to fall to the ground. He heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” Saul asked, “Who are You, Lord?” and the voice said back, “I am Jesus, the One you are persecuting. Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” When Saul stood up and opened his eyes, he was blind. The men he was traveling with had to lead him to Damascus. Saul stayed there blind for three days not eating or drinking. During this time, the Lord spoke to Ananias, a believer, in a vision telling him to visit Saul. Ananias found Saul and laid hands on him saying, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus , who appeared to you on the road, has sent me so that you might regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” In an instant, something like scales were removed from Saul’s eyes, and he was able to see.He rose up, was baptized, ate food, and regained his strength. 

Many conversions are taking place and God is the true Author of it all. How does one become a believer? They have an encounter with the Lord. Saul was knocked off of the very horse that was taking him on a path of destruction. Even though he was going to do wrong, God still encountered him. Saul was blinded by the Light out of the ways of his sin and brought into the true sight of the Lord’s call on his life. 

Saul’s blindness helped him see. Acts 9:15 states what the Lord told Ananias, 15. “But the Lord said, “Go,for Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel. 16. And I will show him how much he must suffer for my name’s sake.” (New Living Translation)

Our job as believers is to trust God, stay humble, and pray for one another. We are not to judge or think that the one that’s lost can never be changed. God is knocking down the religious idols of our heart and removing the vehicles that are taking us on the wrong path. This word is for the believer and the non-believer. It’s never too late. You are never too messed up to know Him. God is removing the scales from our eyes.  What you thought was good, God is bringing His Light to reveal His hidden truth. 

It’s time for the true believers to come forth! Saul did not wait for man to recognize Him, he knew who he was in an instant when he had an encounter with the One True God. It was then that Saul was able to receive the words from the Lord through Ananias. It was then that he gathered and built himself up with other believers in Damascus. Saul received his instructions from God, and it was in Him that his preaching became more powerful. 

What’s your Damascus road? Don’t allow the enemy to make you believe that you can’t encounter the Lord on the road you are traveling. For those that have gone through the Damascus road experience, make sure to stay humble and not judge others. When God spoke to Ananias, even Ananias told the Lord about the terrible things Saul had done to believers. God still gave instructions for Ananias to follow, and he obeyed.

 May we hear and obey what the Lord is telling us to do. May we not be judgmental or persuaded by what people have said, but move without apology in absolute obedience to you Lord. May the body of Christ arise and step into its perfect position to bring forth the fullness of your Kingdom. Let the bold encounters with the Lord arise and break forth now!

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